Kids are lacking it
Now, I'm no expert
I just know what I see
And what I witness
I see temper tantrums
Being thrown
Parents being hit
And bitten by thier kids
I see aggressive behaviour
From an aggressive kid
To a non-agressive kid
And the parents just react with a
"Ok Liam...share"
"No hitting, Tommy"
While the kid ignores them
And continues on
There is such an emphasis
Put on confidence lately
And how disciplining your kids
In a certain tone of voice
Will "scar" them for life or something
When your kid hits someone
You tell them firmly how
Unacceptable that is
If they do it again
You remind them again
But, if they do it a third time
It's time to remove them
Tears or tantrum
Whatever happens
You remove them
I'm not an army sargeant
Don't get me wrong
But my two year old
Does NOT hit
Or grab
Or bite
Or kick
Other kids
Or me
Or her Dad
Or anyone
She knows that behaviour is wrong
She knows because I have told her
In a firm voice
That it is
And she has all the confidence
That a two year old could have
So, at preschool
I see a 2 and a half year old kid
Pick up a toy fire truck
And SMACK his mother
Across the face with it
Her reaction?
(After she checked that she wasn't bleedng?)
"I think somebody needs a hug"
Yes, I'm effing serious.
How about somebody
Needing a smack BACK?
No seriously
Am I just too hard on my kid
Or is that reaction
Absolutely ridiculous?
It's time to start
Teaching them
Right from wrong
And all the other stuff
Falls into place
It did with me.