
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Thursday, April 27, 2006


I don't know
If it's a boy/girl thing
Or just an
"Each baby is different" thing


The sounds and smells
That come out of my son
DID NOT come out of my daughter
I'm telling you that

My daughter was a dainty burper
When I could get one out of her
My son shakes the shingles
With his belches

My daughter was never a spitter-upper
But my son needs a friggen bib
24 hours a day

My daughter had one or two
BM's a day
Always in the day
My son?
Every friggen diaper has one in it
Even at 2am and 5am

Oh yeah
The clincher?
Baby girls don't hit you
Almost in the face
With a steady sprinkler stream
Of urine
At almost every diaper change
(Also especially nice at 2 and 4 am)

My daughter had the same sleeper on
All day long, most days
I only changed it when I wanted
To put her in something new

But my son goes through
A good 5 or 6 a DAY

Yeah, yeah
I know, I know
We're SUPPOSED to be different
I just didn't think I notice it
So much
So early on
In his 12-day old life

I hope nobody was spending
their lunch break
Reading my blog today
If you did
I apologize

I must run
Something HAS to be
Or wet
Or need to be burped
Or covered in throw-up

Hub IS here
In fact the baby is asleep
In his arms at the moment
But for some strange reason
He can't seem to smell anything

Another difference?
Selective sense of smell?
Because he had that with our daughter, too
Still does.....

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Hey everyone...
I've finally got a few minutes
To spare

Might as well spend it
Posting my new baby's pic
To my blog buddies

Just the one right now, though
Dial-up, remember?
And time is precious at the moment...
I'm nursing round-the-clock
It seems
He has a touch of jaundice still
So we're working on flushing it away

It's working :)

So here he is....

And thanks for the congrats :)

More to come down the road..
I promise

Monday, April 17, 2006

all you have to do is ask

"An Easter baby would be nice"

Remember when I said that?

Well, Friday night
At the stroke of midnight
My water broke

Shower, dress, pack
Call Mom and Dad
To come and stay with my pumpkin

We get to the hospital at 1am
Check in
Get checked
2 cm's

Cool :)

Contractions coming
Stronger and stronger
"Epidural, please"
(I wasn't quite as polite, mind you) ;)

Time for some sleep

Somehow I sleep my way to
8 cm's
Then 10 closely follows
Push 7 times
Out he pops!

Cole arrives
Blond, beautiful and healthy
At 7lbs 6 oz
21 inches

We've taken a ton of pictures
But we just got home last night
(I escaped 16 hours early)
No time to upload them yet
But I will
I promise

So there you have it, folks.
No more annoying pregnancy blogs
From 'ole Bon

And I know
It wasn't quite Easter
But Easter weekend
Is close enough
I think.

Friday, April 07, 2006

hangin' in

He is still in my belly.

18 days to go
Cross your fingers
He doesn't go past that

I'm tired
That's for sure
But I'm still doing stuff

Still swimming with my pumpkin
We walk our enormous block
Every night
Hopefully I might walk him out

Sure feels like that's working
Some nights afterwards

My Mother-in-law is in town
Which has been a great help
As my parents are off
Partying on a cruise ship
"Keep your legs closed
And that baby in!"
Were my mom's words before she left

So I think he's hanging in for them
And they get home tomorrow

An Easter baby would be nice :)

An April baby is all I ask for

Because if I step one foot into May
With this basketball belly
I will NOT be a happy mommy.....