
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Kids are lacking it

Now, I'm no expert
I just know what I see
And what I witness

I see temper tantrums
Being thrown
Parents being hit
And bitten by thier kids
I see aggressive behaviour
From an aggressive kid
To a non-agressive kid
And the parents just react with a
"Ok Liam...share"
"No hitting, Tommy"
While the kid ignores them
And continues on

There is such an emphasis
Put on confidence lately
And how disciplining your kids
In a certain tone of voice
Will "scar" them for life or something


When your kid hits someone
You tell them firmly how
Unacceptable that is
If they do it again
You remind them again
But, if they do it a third time
It's time to remove them
Tears or tantrum
Whatever happens
You remove them

I'm not an army sargeant
Don't get me wrong
But my two year old
Does NOT hit
Or grab
Or bite
Or kick
Other kids
Or me
Or her Dad
Or anyone

She knows that behaviour is wrong
She knows because I have told her
In a firm voice
That it is

And she has all the confidence
That a two year old could have

So, at preschool
I see a 2 and a half year old kid
Pick up a toy fire truck
And SMACK his mother
Across the face with it

Her reaction?
(After she checked that she wasn't bleedng?)
"I think somebody needs a hug"

Yes, I'm effing serious.

How about somebody
Needing a smack BACK?

No seriously
Am I just too hard on my kid
Or is that reaction
Absolutely ridiculous?

It's time to start
Teaching them
Right from wrong
And all the other stuff
Falls into place

It did with me.


At 12:38 PM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

I could not agree with you more! I don't know if parents are lazy or if they are afraid of being the "bad guy" but damn it do something about your kids behaviour.

It could also be the "spare the rod" mentality that has taken over and been taken too far. People are afraid to physically discipline(and I don't necessarily mean they have to spank) their children in any form because of public backlash. Sad but true.

Having said that, I could very well be one of those parents at preschool that other parents are saying this about.LOL.

No I won't. It is just a matter of teaching children to have respect for others. They need to know what acceptable behaviour is at any age. Even though this will mean more work for Hubby and I.

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

Unfriggen beleivable is all I can say..

Bonny, u just keep on what your doing with your parenting..Sounds like a winner to me.

At 6:05 PM, Blogger SassyFemme said...

I TOTALLY agree with you! Working at an elem. school I see the kids a few years down the line after they've been given hugs instead of a punishment, and they're a mess. They're the troublemakers, the ones who manipulate and lie. Their parents are still the ones who think their kid hasn't done anything wrong. Oy! It usually ends up taking until about fourth grade or so (9 years old!) before mom realizes that her little angel isn't quiet such an angel. You're doing just fine!

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

You are absolutely correct Bonn. My kids have never smacked me in the face and that toy would have been history. Straight to the trash, in front of all the other kids!

It is hard to discipline your child when you are a new mom. Especially in the store. You think everybody thinks you just hit the poor little kid. Well, from a mother who knows the difference in cries, I can tell you, we know you said no and the child is now unhappy. Stick to your guns and follow through! I tell my kids now, when I hear crying from a child, "Oh, somebody was told NO!"

Following thur is the hardest part. Do it and the kid will get it and stop the behaviour. Don't do it and we all pay!

I hit Katharine on the butt once. She was two and she laughed at me. I have never done it again. I was raised to wait in the bedroom with the belt. One reason I am very against spanking, although my brother's do it. I don't see that it helps!

You are doing a great job with your very smart two year year old Bonn and I am sure you will with your second baby as well!

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Playground In My Mind said...

The pendulum has definitely swung wayyyyyy to the left on discipline. I am not bashing the left either only saying that we have definitely gone over-board trying to protect our children. Though I do not like hitting at all-none-do not even think about hitting a child in front of me; however, removing a child or really disciplining a child for hurting someone else is necessary.
Yep...crazy world we live in... Renee

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Rainbow Momma said...

Nothing annoys me more than a parent that doesn't discipline. Like you, we get right to the problem. Our girls are well behaved, confident, and happy - we must be doing something right, eh?

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Karen said...

I am so tired of seeing spoiled brats everywhere ! their parents just act like it is all normal and that they will grow out of it. oh my gosh what has happened to these people? do they really think it is a good idea to never say no and to never disipline their children? give me a break. they need to get some serious reality into their parenting skills before it is too late. My daughter works at a daycare and she is shocked daily at how some of the kids act. very sad. you have a responsibility as a parent to teach your children what is right and wrong. I wished more people would. ok I am done with my rant now :) LOL


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