
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Thursday, May 31, 2007

coming clean

I have something to tell you

I don't really know how to put this

I've been cheating on you.


It just happened
It just started out
As a harmless little link

At first it didn't interest me
In the least
Then it's charm got a hold of me...

What's that?

WHO it is?!?
The point is
It happened!

(And it has happened more than once
WAY more than once)


It's Facebook.

I'm sure it's just
That "new thing" thing
The thrill of something refreshing

I still wanna see each other
From time to time
Because you're my soft, comfortable
Place to land

That ok?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

the street party

Ours is today.

We missed last years
As we were down in Yankee-land
Celebrating Memorial Day
With our Yankee friends

But we're home this year
And there is no escaping it

This girl on our street
(God love her)
To get to know everyone
And have everyone know everyone else
That she does this every year

We have no problem going
Except our street is clearly divided

By divided, I mean
The normal people
And the ones who are not-so-normal

We like to believe
That we fit into the normal category
We do normal things
The nice, friendly category
(Except Hub thinks I don't WAVE enough
But I think I wave QUITE enough
Thank you very much
I'm effing BUSY! (LOL))

Then there is the not-so-normal category

The kind of people that
Go out on beer-runs
During their 2 year old's birthday party

The kid of people that bring
Their inside chairs
To sit
And drink beer
(this one I cannot STAND...
Don't even get me started on people
That drive in their car drinking out of
a "HOME" coffee mug...that's a whole other story)

The kind of people that mow their lawn
Without a shirt and wearing rubber boots

Anyway...you catch my drift...

You may thinking
"holy crap, BonnyT is a snob"

It's my blog and I'll be snobby if I wanna... :)

So off I go
To wave and be friendly
To the normal
And the not-so-normal people
On our street

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

hooked up

I currently have
6 sticky cirles on my chest
With various wires attached
To a little walk-man-like thingy
Tucked in my pocket


My lists of "can't's"
For the next 24 hours

I can't:
Wear a bra
(Tough, considering it's in the mid 80's)
Hold my kids close
(This one sucks)
Oh yeah..
Did I mention
I can't
Wear a bra?
That one's my personal favorite

When you're as
Umm, ahem
As I am
You need one
Trust me
"Lucky" + has nursed 2 babies
= Must ALWAYS wear a bra

Oh well...
18 more hours...

Friday, May 18, 2007

may two-four


Well, that was the favourite phrase
When it was "May Two-Four"
About 15-20 years ago

For my Yankee readers
"May Two-Four" weekend
Refers to the long weekend here in Canada
That celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday
Officially titled "Victoria Day"

Because Canadians
Like to put a beer angle
On everything
And because most Canadians
Down a case of beer this weekend
(1 Case = 24 beers a.k.a. "A Two-Four"
We've honored the memory
Of a dead queen
With Beer

That's what we do up here :)

But, now, there is no 'woohoooo"in'
Coming from this tired Mom's mouth
I'm afraid

Just a smile
That I get to enjoy
The sunny long weekend with my kids
Watching fireworks
Having BBQ's

And yes, downing a beer or two

Sadly, my "two-four" downing
Days are over....

Happy May Two-Four
Fellow Canucks

Happy weekend
My Yankee friends :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

you know it's really warming up when....

...I can't get enough of Tim Horton's Iced Capp's
...a blockbuster is opening every Friday
...the smell of "OFF!" & "Coppertone" permeate the house
...laundry has increased from a load a day to two
...the kids konk out so easily at night

But, you know it's REALLY warming up when...

...the POOL DUDES are here opening up our POOL!!! YEAH!!

Better too early than too late...don't wanna waste a day....

Saturday, May 12, 2007

thunka thu-thunka

That's the rythm
My heart is doing these days

Not because of any
Exciting reason
In case any of you
Out there in blogland
Went there...
(You know who you are...)

Been having lots of
Heart palpitations lately

I've been on meds
For my thyroid for years
And usually
When my meds need to be adjusted
Thats a tell-tale sign

But apparently
My levels are fine

So Ms Doc
Is sending me to the hospital
At the end of the month
To get hooked up
With a heart monitor
To wear for 24 hours

That'll be fun

It had better be the size
Of an Ipod
And not the size of
Something huge & outrageous

Until then
I'll deal with the thunka thu-thunka's
And try not to worry...


Thursday, May 10, 2007

backyard hammin'

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

3 blind mice

So, we spot Mama mouse
Scurry on the deck
And hide in the BBQ cover
That always sits in a lump
ON the deck
Instead of ON the BBQ
(A combination of being lazy
and bbqing pretty much every day)

Hub then lifts the cover up
No Mama
But 3 youngin's tumble out
Onto the deck

Blind, still
Just fresh out
Of their Mama's mouse oven
I'd say 2 days
At the most

Mama is gone

So I run and get an old t-shirt
Pick up the 3 blind mice
And wrap'em up
And return them to the same spot
That their BBQ cover home was

Nerdy me
Even called the pet store
To see if they could offer me
Some advice

They didn't know

So, all evening
I crossed my fingers
Looked out at the
Cozy t-shirt makeshift home
Hoping Mickey & Minnie & Mighty
Were ok in there
And that Mama would sniff them out
and return to get them

The next morning
I send Hub out to check
Just cuz if they were still in there
I didn't want to see them again

They weren't :)
Mama appeared to have found them
And wisked them away to safety

I've been telling myself
That if it were someone OTHER
Than their Mama who found them
Then the t-shirt would have been

It wasn't
So I've convinced myself
They are back with her....

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Do you have another baby in your tummy?"

My daughter asked me that
Last night
As she caught my profile
Pulling her shade down
before bed

"No honey.
Mommy just likes food"

It's true.

"Well, it's not just your tummy
It's 'cuz your boobs are really, really, really big, too"

Well, she is only almost-4
She's allowed to still say stuff
Like that
Out loud.....

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Today's Hits

Things I'm liking today:

The weather..
My back spasms have stopped..
My son is napping better..
My daughter has learned to undo her own fly for the potty..
The trees are ready to explode with leaves..
I just had an extra large Timmy's..
The birds are enjoying the new gourmet seed I'm putting out for them..
I slept 6 straight hours last night..
The Y&R is getting extra good...
The builder dude came and fixed the squeaks in the floor..
Terri Clark's new song "Dirty Girl"
My daughter singing along to Tim McGraw's "1, 2, 3" song
My freshly painted toenails
Making cupcakes with my daughter this morning
Getting more than 5 minutes on the computer

Hope you all had a few hits today, too. :)