Ours is today.
We missed last years
As we were down in Yankee-land
Celebrating Memorial Day
With our Yankee friends
But we're home this year
And there is no escaping it
This girl on our street
(God love her)
To get to know everyone
And have everyone know everyone else
That she does this every year
We have no problem going
Except our street is clearly divided
By divided, I mean
The normal people
And the ones who are not-so-normal
We like to believe
That we fit into the normal category
We do normal things
The nice, friendly category
(Except Hub thinks I don't WAVE enough
But I think I wave QUITE enough
Thank you very much
I'm effing BUSY! (LOL))
Then there is the not-so-normal category
The kind of people that
Go out on beer-runs
During their 2 year old's birthday party
The kid of people that bring
Their inside chairs
To sit
And drink beer
(this one I cannot STAND...
Don't even get me started on people
That drive in their car drinking out of
a "HOME" coffee mug...that's a whole other story)
The kind of people that mow their lawn
Without a shirt and wearing rubber boots
Anyway...you catch my drift...
You may thinking
"holy crap, BonnyT is a snob"
It's my blog and I'll be snobby if I wanna... :)
So off I go
To wave and be friendly
To the normal
And the not-so-normal people
On our street