
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Thursday, April 27, 2006


I don't know
If it's a boy/girl thing
Or just an
"Each baby is different" thing


The sounds and smells
That come out of my son
DID NOT come out of my daughter
I'm telling you that

My daughter was a dainty burper
When I could get one out of her
My son shakes the shingles
With his belches

My daughter was never a spitter-upper
But my son needs a friggen bib
24 hours a day

My daughter had one or two
BM's a day
Always in the day
My son?
Every friggen diaper has one in it
Even at 2am and 5am

Oh yeah
The clincher?
Baby girls don't hit you
Almost in the face
With a steady sprinkler stream
Of urine
At almost every diaper change
(Also especially nice at 2 and 4 am)

My daughter had the same sleeper on
All day long, most days
I only changed it when I wanted
To put her in something new

But my son goes through
A good 5 or 6 a DAY

Yeah, yeah
I know, I know
We're SUPPOSED to be different
I just didn't think I notice it
So much
So early on
In his 12-day old life

I hope nobody was spending
their lunch break
Reading my blog today
If you did
I apologize

I must run
Something HAS to be
Or wet
Or need to be burped
Or covered in throw-up

Hub IS here
In fact the baby is asleep
In his arms at the moment
But for some strange reason
He can't seem to smell anything

Another difference?
Selective sense of smell?
Because he had that with our daughter, too
Still does.....


At 1:01 PM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

Good to hear from you! Just so you know it isn't a boy/girl thing with the burps. Our Piper is no dianty burper either. She makes her daddy proud... lol.

And spit up! Holy crap does she ever.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Sasha@Pw said...

Haha, this is so funny!

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

I have two girls, as you know and one spit up all the time. She was in constant need of a change of clothing.
Boys are different though as I know thru my family growing up and several friends. Wait til he starts moving Bonn. You are going to be running everywhere!

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Man, I do not envy you right now with all the smells, diaper changing, and urine-in-the-face. Wow. It takes a patient person for all of that! LOL. But I guess it's all worth it isn't it?

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