
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Y & R

Yes, I watch it
I have watched it since
I was about 10

I have watched it since
Jill was Mrs. Chancellor's maid

I watched it since
Nicki was a stripper
Who wooed millionaire
Victor Newman
From her pole on stage

I have watched it
Since overweight Tracey Abbot
LOVED Danny Romalotti
But Lauren Fenmore stole him

I have watched it
It seems

I went through about a year of
NOT watching it
But have recently rediscovered it
Since I've moved here

I think it's because
We have satellite TV now
And it's on about 168 times a day
Thanks to time-shifting

I love watching it at this time of year, though.
All the fancy shmancy parties
And the fancy shmancy gifts
With the elaborate dinners
And the immaculately dressed kids

And you know, special Christmas-themed
Like blowing up yachts
And trapping people in dungeons
To rot over the holidays

What says Christmas MORE
Than stuff like that??

Ok..it's one of my guilty pleasures
Don't pretend like you don't have
A HANDFUL of them
Like me



At 12:00 PM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

Ahh, Y & R! I haven't watched it in ages...

DH wants to know if you are interested in selling any of your baby girl stuff to us (a la ebay but we can do BonnieTbay and pay for shipping of course).

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Heidi said...

Another long time from of Y&R..I totally remember every storyline you mention..To be honest those were the best years.

Merry Christmas Bonny..All the best to you and your family.

Peace, goodhealth and happiness await you in 2006.


At 11:41 AM, Blogger Heidi said...


Fan..sorry about that.

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

I have been watching it forever too. I remember all those stories. You do know they just brought back Sheila a few months ago to throw a wrench in Lauren's wedding. I think Terrible Tom is going to save her and not spend time in jail. He will turn good, just like Kevin did.
I watch the ABC soaps and Y&R. I ff thru the commercials at warped speed thru tivo and also thru the crap I don't care to watch. Y&R is different though. I watch every single word. Most of the time.

I hope you, the hub and your very smart two year old had a fabulous Christmas!

At 6:16 AM, Blogger Just Jan said...

"soaps" are another reason I don't have TV anymore...lol

Back when I used to be a stay-at-home mom, I used to be guilty of watching atleast 2 in a row before getting anything done around the house. I was hooked badly on them. I've worked for so long now that I can't imagine sitting at home and watching TV for that long...I'd go stir-crazy..hehe. I remember some of those "story lines" General Hospital used to have and I think back and just laugh...so glad "reality" isn't like that.

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas. When are you due to have the baby? My daughter is due any day now...she didn't have a christmas baby so maybe a new year's baby now.

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

My daughters and I just saw "Scott" Blair Redford at the grocery store in town. I spotted him and told the girls and we never go up to celebrities! I showed them the photo of him after we got home though. It was pretty cool.

At 5:20 AM, Blogger Marisa said...

I'm a GH addict myself...been watching it since I was little.

I just stumbled upon your blog...love discovering more and more Canadian content!

Happy Holidays!


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