
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Monday, August 08, 2005


I've made a decision.
This after having our best friends here
For the weekend.

Hub and I need to have
More kids.

We'd love more for many, many reasons
But secretly for one, simple reason...
Our very smart 2 year old
Sleeps ALLLLLLL night
When there are other kids in the house
Keeping her busy ALLLLL day long. :)

It's amazing.
Yesterday morning she slept in longer
Than anyone in the whole house.
That's saying something
As it usually takes a massive explosion
To wake her Daddy up.

She has never been a great sleeper.
Much to my dismay
I think she gets that from me
I'm always afraid I'm going to miss something
So on planes, on long car trips, on rainy afternoons
When the rest of the world
USUALLY takes a nap
BonnyT is up.

Same thing at night.
The littlest sound
My eyes are open.

So I welcome these
Interruption-free nights with her

Our guests are gone now
So today we're heading to the beach again
To hopefully wear her out in other ways
So we can all have more sleep
Again tonight.


At 12:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, that is great! I love your style of writing btw.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

My kids slept thru the night. When I first "trained" Zoe to go to sleep after reading, of course, she was sleeping from six to six. Hub asked if I didn't think I was putting her to sleep a bit to early...I told him, you are off tomorrow, you keep her up...Well, he got over that! She needed twelve hours and that was that. Then Katharine came along sixteen months later and we did the same thing. Although she still needs a lot of sleep. But both went to be at 6:00 every night for years. I think we finally let them both stay up til 7:00 when they were about four.

Having a playmate for your very smart 2 year old is a good thing Bonn. Better get working on that. Don't want too big an age difference! Then again, you could have two or three more as well, eh?

At 4:37 AM, Blogger crappyjazz said...

awwwwwww kids should have siblings, especially if they tire each other out!

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Did I mention that if you have other kids, they will likely be just as cute as your very smart 2 year old...She is so adorable and I love the pic!


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