
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Blanks

I may be absent over the weekend (houseguests again, 'member?)
So I thought I'd leave you with another game to play :)

This one was fun
Not sure who I stole it from.

And I'm going to just leave an open
TAG Invitation

Have a great weekend...!

My uncle once: smacked my head on the ceiling when we were dancing at a family party..I was 4 and he was holding me up dancing to "Knock Three Times"..don't think he knew it meant with your HANDS and not your 4 year-old neice's head.

Never in my life: have I had a mosquito bite.

When I was five: I saw Mickey and Donald for the first time at Disneyworld.

High school was: the place where I met my very best friend.

I will never forget: having my orange Super Big Gulp explode in DM's mother's Nissan Sentra.

I once met: Sharon Gless on a movie set and she invited me into her trailer.

Once at a bar: I downed 26 shots of tequila to win a contest.

By noon I'm usually: Exhausted.

Last night: I ate a chocolate bar and drank a glass of choclate millk right before bed.

If only I had: finished university.

Next time I go to church: It will be for a wedding next summer.

I have a confession to make: hmmmm...nope...changed my mind. :)

When I turn my head left: I look at my bookshelf.

When I turn my head right: I look out the window to my neighbours ugly beat up truck.

You know when I'm lying when: I say I don't miss smoking.

Every day I think about: How lucky I am to finally be blessed with a child.

By this time next year: We'll have a pool in our backyard.

I have a hard time understanding: Why some people don't put a hat on their babies in the sun.

If I ever go back to school: It will be to become a Teaching Assistant.

You know I like you when: The laughs and smiles are endless.

If I won an award the first person I'd thank is: My husband and my Mom.

My ideal breakfast is: A cheese and onion omelette made by my husband, and a side of bacon.

A song I love, but do not have is: Any song I love, I buy.

If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you have more than a weekend to take it all in.

Why won't anyone: invent a lottery that I could actually WIN?

If you spend the night at my house: and pet my dog once, he'll be your buddy for life.

I'd stop my wedding for: A-ha! Trick question. Please refer back to the confessional...:D

The world could do without: Men in Speedo's.

I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: Look at a man in a Speedo.

Paper clips are more useful than: folding the corners.

If I do anything well: You''ll hear it from my mouth, or read about it in my blog :)

And by the way: If you are reading this and you are a guy who owns a Speedo, either toss it, or exit my blog immediately.

The last time I was drunk: I was in NYC...'nuff said. :D


At 5:06 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

This was fun Bonn.
I may try this tomorrow!
Have a fun time with your guests!

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Karen said...

have a great weekend !
I am going to do the original tag you got me on with maybe a little twist.
enjoy your company !

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Just Jan said...

interesting...I'm not too sure I can answer them all...I'll ponder it awhile and maybe post and play along...have a great weekend.

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

LMAO! That was a great entry. I cannot beleive you've never had a mosquito bite. That can't be true! LMAO!


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