
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Saturday, July 30, 2005


What exactly does that mean?

I know what 'casual' sex means
That's a no-brainer...

If I'm going to a birthday party
At a bar or restaurant
And they say 'casual'
That's easy
Jeans, t-shirt, etc.

If it's 'casual' Friday at work
That's easy
Jeans, shirts. etc
(Although I do notice people go a little
overboard and take 'casual' Friday to a place
it shouldn't...no trackpants in the workplace, please)

But, when a wedding invitation states
"Casual" and wear 'comfortable shoes'
What does that mean?
My first thought when I read
"Casual" with "comfortable shoes"
"Great, I'm heading to Lilith Fair!"
(Which rocked, by the way...
Sarah has to start that up again)

I'm heading to that 'wedding'
I was telling you guys about a few weeks ago
Up on the lake
In the bush
Because the ceremony is taking place
Beside a particular tree
And it's pot luck, remember?

Anyway, what the F*** is one supposed
To wear to a 'Casual' 'wedding'??

I don't do sundresses, I'm afraid.
In case that was going to be your suggestion...

Oh yeah..it's going to be sunny and warm, too.

I think I have decided on my
Light beige Khaki's
Kinda capri
But not REALLY
Low waisted a bit
But not butt-crack low

I'm torn on the top though.

Any suggestions?


At 6:32 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

Go butt crack low with a halter top! Kidding. Where a dressier top with the khakis that will dress the outfit up a bit without being "dressy", KWIM?

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Even a sleevless top, dressy and some jewelry...Don't forget the accessories! Those can dress up anything.
And there are some very nice halter tops that would work...Leave out the butt crack, we can see that on any high school aged girls anywhere! UGH.
We wore hip huggers, not crack show-ers when I was a teenager!

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

I'm for the low waisted capris..I don't think I can ever wear regular waist again...< gives u a flatter tummy> lol..Do u have one of those longer A-line sporty camisoles that fall below the waist..If not..Go sleevless.

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Karen said...

I say topless is pretty casual !
hee hee--no I guess you don't want to take attention away from the bride right?
I am so bad--someone put me in the naughty chair :)


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