
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Friday, July 29, 2005

grocery store jackasses

As I was manovering my way
Through a crowded parking lot yesterday
Trying to get IN to do my groceries
Then home again
I realized something.

There are a LOT of people in this world
a) Believe that their time is more precious than others
b) Are so inconsiderate that they just don't give a shit

I'm not sure which one is better.

First of all, trying to ENTER a parking spot.
Oh, sorry...
Am I trying to park where
You would LIKE to leave your shopping cart
Instead of walking 7 steps across the street
And leaving it in the aptly named
"Shopping Cart Corral"?

Oh? You're in a rush? Go ahead, then.
Oh? You have a busier life than I?
Don't have time to be considerate?
That's ok. Leave it there. I'll move it for you.
Have a great day, jackass!

Then it's time to leave.
Grocery cart loaded up. Exiting the store.
Very smart 2 year old in the front par tof the grocery cart
(Which I WILL return to the corral, thank you very much)..
Keeping an eye on MIL a few steps behind..
Look out!
Oh! I'm sorry. Are you in a rush?
You need to pull OUT of your space this very instant?
Is my foot, or my CHILD in the way of your $60,000 SUV filled with groceries?
We had 2.5 steps left until we had cleared your car's parking area.
Too long to wait?
Have a good one, jackass!

Don't even get me started on
The jackasses IN the store...;)


At 5:04 AM, Blogger Karen said...

how about when there are 2 lines open, 8 people in each line waiting and they suddenly open another line?
the obvious thing would be that the next person in each line would be served first, in a polite world, they were there first, so that means they have dibs, right?
silly, idealist me !
The law of nature provides us with the people who go running like gazelles, trampling shoppers in their path, to get over to the new line !
my oh my, a trip to the store is more like the survival of the fittest !
crap, I need to go shopping tonight after work...
wish me luck !

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

I hate shopping at grocery stores...Everybody is in a hurry and give dirty looks to those of us feeding a family of four and have full carts. How dare we??? Have heard people complain that stay at home mom's should shop at off hours so those on their lunch hour can get thur the lines faster. That is what 15 items or less if for asshole!!!
We shop when we can, we have schedules too, we have appointment times, we have even more important jobs than they have. We are caring for our children. Not the nanny, we are doing the work! So, better get out of our way and be nice, as we are teaching our children to be so. These assholes are teaching our kids that people are selfish and rude. I suppose they have to find out sometime!
I love online grocery shopping. Straight to my kitchen and especially the heavy stuff! Oh yeah!

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Just Jan said...

I should have added this to my list of things I just don't get...hehehe. I could go on and on and on abut the selfishness of people out shopping. Between us all I'm sure we could compile a list of about 100 things. I used to sit on a bench at the mall occasionally and just "people watch"...I stopped that along time ago because generally the public disgusts me in their rude behavior towards each other.

Good Luck Karen on your shopping tonight. ;)

At 9:04 AM, Blogger dixiedarling said...

I understand completely. And how about when they are waiting for your spot and keep inching closer and closer while you steadily try and load and get in your car and get the hell out of there before they run you over - and then they pull in and look at like what the hell took you so long. thanks for the good review of why i hate the grocery store myself. Good laugh as well. some people just think they are all that!!! I love to smile at them and piss them off even more!!!

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...


At 1:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Found your site through SassyFemme's! I love it. It's bookmarked and I'll be back to visit. Please stop by mine if you have a chance...I know you have a busy life from your post LMAO! I totally hear you on that..people are so inconsiderate these days. Glad you and your baby are okay.


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