
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Monday, January 23, 2006


So, I'm starting to think back
And I'm starting to worry

For some strange reason
I can't shake the image
Of the Anethesiologist
Sticking a needle
Into my spine

Now, not that I actually SAW it
As I was too busy
Curling my back
And keeping perfectly still
As to not paralyze myself

You know how hard it was to keep
"Perfectly still"
While my contractions were
One minute apart

But, keeping still
You know

That's not all that worries me

I'm worried I will go into labour
Here alone
With my very smart 2 year old here
And no one else

Hub is an hour away
My parents are 20 minutes away
But they are heading to Florida
And on a cruise a few weeks before I'm due

They SHOULD be home in time
But I still get worried

I also get worried
About having to share "Me"

Let me explain

I look at my very smart 2 year old
And I wonder
"How can I love another child as much as I love her??"

You just will, the books say.
You just will, your friends say.
You just will, your husband says.

But, she already has a look in her eye
When she asks me "where did all my baby blankies go?"
And I tell her I've put them away
For her baby brother

She isn't mad
She doesn't cry
She just thinks and looks at me
And says

"That's ok mommy
I'll share with my baby brother"

(Tears well up now as they did when I first heard it)

It'll be fine
I know

But I still worry.

(PS..hey Nicole? Sorry for the epidural play-by-play...)


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

I was totally thinking the same thing ( about the epi play by play... LOL.).

Oh BonnieT, I think you have so much more room in your heart that will open up the second that your little boy is born.

Your daughter is wise beyond her years

At 4:38 AM, Blogger Karen said...

.....I look at my very smart 2 year old And I wonder
"How can I love another child as much as I love her??"

I know you have heard it from everyone else by now but I thought I would throw in my 2 cents :)
my Mom used to always tell me and my sister that she loved us the same but in different ways and for different reasons. each child touches your heart in a completely unique way.
take care and stay well Bonn !
many hugs,

At 6:15 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

You will be fine Bonn! The epidural is worth it and you will remember that when the time comes!

Most people do not voice their concerns that they will not love the second child as much as the first. The hub felt that way. He voiced it after Katharine was born though and by then, she had a place just as big as Zoe did, in his heart.

Your son will be completely different. You will love him just as much and then he will present you with all different situations than your very smart two year old daughter did!

Your daughter is darling with her perfect answers and she will bloom with her little brother! She will be a great help to you too mom!

I am constantly amazed at how different from each other my kids are. I don't know why I expected them to be the same. My brothers and I certainly were not the same, in looks or personality.


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