
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Thursday, July 28, 2005

the summer, so far

Another beautiful day.

This summer has truly been a great one
So far.
By great I mean

Even though we've all been complaining
Me especially
About the humidity, etc
This is what makes a great summer
Lots of heat and sun
To do summer stuff

Marineland was terrific
My very smart 2 year old loved it
Especially the dolphins and seals
And the Beluga's
She sang "Baby Beluga" the whole time we watched them.
So cute.
So smart.

We paid extra to feed the Beluga's
9 bucks to get closer than everyone else
And toss 4 or 5 fish in its mouth
And get a picture snapped

We're turning into those people
That Hub and I used to make fun of...

Today I'm sending Hub golfing
Yes, I said SENDING
I need a break
I need an opportunity to give my daughter
A relaxing, normal day
Complete with a REAL lunch
that doesn't involve me ripping off a peice of hotdog
And sticking it in her mouth every few seconds
Complete with a REAL nap
That doesn't involve a drive on the highway

I'm sending MIL out to the deck
With her Diet Pepsi and smokes
While I catch up with my stranger-friends
I'm so behind
But they all said they'd still be here
That makes me happy

MIL - 4 days remaining
Hub's vay cay - 5 days reamining

Countdown to normalcy has begun

Is that terrible to think about?
Hope not
I'm just very, very tired...


At 7:51 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Ahh Bonn, Five days to normalcy! I understand very well...
And I can just see you singing baby beluga without Raffi even! LMAO!
Viva your normal day for you and your very smart 2 year old!

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

Sometimes vay cays are not really all the relaxing are they?

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

No, not horrible to think about at all. Everyone needs to make some time for themselves to do things that they like to do.

I love the pictures! When we went to San Diego we paid extra to feed the dolphins and I don't regret it at all. That was so much fun and a great memory.


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