
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Thursday, July 14, 2005

a li'l taste

Since most of you appear to be
Anxiously awaiting my upcoming
MIL posts...

Let me give you a li'l taste of
The kinda things you have to
Look forward to

We have a family wedding coming up
While she is here
Of her neice
Hub's tree-huggin', dreadlock-sportin', barefoot-walkin' cousin
It's a casual thing
It's also a pot-luck "bring your favourite dish" thing
The whole thing has turned into a big joke

Me: What are you going to bring?

MIL: I'm not bringing anything.

Me: But, everyone is supposed to bring a little something.

MIL: I'm coming from out-of-town plus I'm giving them a gift? I'm supposed to feed myself TOO?? Not on your life.

Me: Well, it's a long day. Drive up to the lake, out in the heat, fresh air. You're going to get hungry.

So far can everyone see how much I enjoy baiting her? (Evil grin)

MIL: Well, hopefully there will be buns. I'll just have a bun if I'm hungry.

Me: So, why don't you bring a bag of buns?

MIL: Because they're lucky I'm even going, that's why.

Me: How's that?

MIL: Because it's not a real wedding, if you ask me. Whoever heard of this kind of thing, anyway? Wear what you want?? Bring your own food?

Me: It's just a celebration. They want to get everyone together to celebrate.

MIL: Yeah. And to feed them. Besides, she said to 'bring your favourite dish'. I'm sure everyone's 'favourite dish' is just filled with onions and garlic and who knows what else. I can't eat all that garbage. I'll be sick as a dog.

Me: Well, you had better stick to the buns then. We'll stop and grab a bag on the way up, just in case nobody is bringing any.

MIL: How am I supposed to keep the butter cold for the 2 hour drive up there?

And so the vicious cycle begins. One thing leads to another to another to another...

So, there you have it.
The kind of thing you should look forward to.

A li' taste of the madness


At 5:09 AM, Blogger Heidi said...

Oyyyyyyyyy and a Veyyyyyyyyy! added with a {{{{{ Bonny}}}}}} ..


At 7:11 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

LOL. That is great. Can't wait to hear more.

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Patricia said...

i'd pay good money to have tickets to this show.
i wish you strength!

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Well you will have to be on your toes with this one!
Have fun Bonn! LMAO

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Karen said...

sounds like a hoot !
Enjoy yourself and hugs to you Bonny.
Thanks for the nice comment today :)
and I know what you mean about the pooch pic---he was getting a bit lonely there at the top of the blog for so long !

At 9:07 PM, Blogger lightfeather said...

I would liked to have had that kind of wedding! I can hardly wait until the big day!


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