
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Saturday, July 16, 2005

6 flags

We've decided to head a bit south
And a bit east
Into New York State
To the Six Flags there
For a few days

I'm friggen excited!
What am I? 12??
At heart, sometimes yes.

I've told my
Very smart (almost) 2 year old
That Bugs Bunny lives there
He does, apaprently
In the Looneytunes Seaport

"Buzz Lightyear too?"
(Yes, she can say Buzz Lightyear..clear as a bell)
"Maybe...but I think Buzz lives at Disneyworld"
"Ohh. Woody, too?"
"Yes. Woody Woodpecker is there"
"No. Woody cowboy"
We'll leave it at that.

So we're going tomorrow
Until Tuesday
We're 'Staying Where We Play'
Rides, waterpark, shows, fun.

OH! The best part?
I've mapped our driving route
So it will include
Driving by a Target
On the way there.

I got an eyeroll from Hub
"What do you need at Target?"
What the hell does 'NEED' have to do with it?
"No problem..you stay in the car
I'll just run in for a few minutes"
Another eyeroll.

He just doesn't get it.


At 4:45 AM, Blogger Heidi said...

Bonny have a great time! I'm so happy for you about Target! minute/schmiute! you take your sweet time..lol Enjoy and have a safe trip.
I'm headed to the States on Tues..Target is less then 10 mins from where I'm staying ..I'll make sure to do some damage $ ;)

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Karen said...

gotta love the Target pit stop !

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Well, have a great time. It is good you get excited about going to Six Flags. I am sure your very smart 2 year old can see it in you and that just makes it more exciting for her!
Have a cotton candy for me! I haven't had one in years!

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Just Jan said...

enjoy your trip. Hopefully you'll post some pics of your "very smart 2 yr old" having the time of her life. Spend yout heart out at Target...just because I'm broke and can't doesn't mean you can't..hehe.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger lightfeather said...

How much fun! And what a smart little delicious baby girl you have there! Make sure she gets lots and lots of dirty! Enjoy!


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