
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Friday, July 08, 2005


This morning I am actually
Sitting and staring at this page
With nothing to write about

Now, I know that my blogs are always
Far from being deep and thought-provoking
And I'm a-ok with that

That's what my very smart 2 year old
Always says instead of just

I don't know if yesterday's tragedy
In not-so-jolly-ole London
Has placed me in this slump
It probably has
It's getting absolutely out of control
News like that is hard to bear

So, why not just write nothing, then?
Have your blog skip a few days?
I'm just a little odd when it comes to that, I guess.
I like the days to be consecutive
I like the order of it all
I was going out of mind when I was sick at the beginning of the week
And I KNEW my blog was missing a day

This morning I am listening to Jann
(Arden, I mean)
As she soothes me
I feel I need some soothing this morning

Until my very smart 2 year old wakes up
And soothes me with her smile
And her laughs
And her a-ok's

"Is a-ok, mommy....big hugs?"
It doesn't get any better than that.

I guess there is always something to write about.


At 6:49 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

If you are really posting at 4:28 a.m. then no wonder your mind is a bit blank.... have you had your coffee yet? Ha.

The attacks in London, don't want to believe it. Can't help but wonder, are we next? How do we stay safe?

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

You could have posted on how you will never drown Bonn! That was funny, BTW.

AnyHOW, (I got that), you did figure out what to write didn't you? And you and your VS2year old will get you out of the slump and take your mind off the precarious world we live in.

At least for a while, everything will be A-OK...


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