
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Thursday, July 07, 2005

A is for Another List

Here I am, stealing things from other bloggers again.
But, I'm a sucker for lists.

And here is yet another fun one.
Play if you want
Or just read if you want.
All I know is I'M playing.

A is for Age: 37
B is for Booze You Like: Beer or Margaritas
C is for Career: Stay At Home Mom, at the moment.
D is for Dad's Name: Big, Bad Bruce
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party: Beer or Margaritas
F is for Favourite Song at the moment: Since You've Been Gone; Kelly Clarkson
G is for Goof Off thing to Do: Sit on the computer for hours
H is for Hometown: Toronto, Ontario
I is for Instrument You Play: None, but am starting piano lessons at 37 (don't laugh)
J is for Jam or Jelly and what flavour: Strawberry Jam
K is for Kids: 1 very smart 2 year old (in 2 weeks)
L is for Living Arrangement: In a house with Hub, very smart 2 year old and a Lab.
M is for Mom's Name: Bonnie, oddly enough (parent's were originality-impaired)
N is for Names of Best Friends: Leah and Tracy
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: Giving birth to the very smart 2 year old
P is for Phobias: Bees, Wasps, Hornets and hands anywhere near the front of my neck.
Q is for Quote You Like: Seize The Moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic that waved off the dessert cart??
R is for Relationship that Lastest the Longest: Marriage. 10 years married, 15 together.
S is for Siblings: 1 younger sister
T is for Texas. Ever Been?? : No, but I have a wonderful friend from there.
U is for Unique Trait: Pure white streak down the back centre of my hair.
V is for Vegetable You Love: Asparagus.
W is for Worst Trait: Shoot "looks" at people without knowing it sometimes.
X is for X-rays You've Had: Teeth and Chest
Y is for Yummy Food You Make: Garlic Feta Penne..quick & easy & yummy.
Z is for Zodiac Sign: Cancer, through and through.


At 6:59 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

I like raspberry jam, Bonn
I didn't know I had a phobia about hands coming at my throat til you mentioned it! LOL
That white streak sounds pretty cool, in the day of hi lights in hair everywhere. Yours is real.
My daughter has a friend who has black hair in the front of her hair, the rest is blondish. She is very trendy now and off to high school.
Fun list...Getting to know you...Getting to know all about you......It's a song.

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Cindy said...

At least you can find lists. I make them and either leave them home or lose them.

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Just Jan said...

Love this list too...I'll be doing tomorrow in my blog...lol


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