
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Saturday, July 09, 2005


I've actually started
Looking around this house
"Thinking' about packing
And tossing out stuff

True, our house hasn't sold yet.
True, they have 'just' dug the hole for the new one
(That we are to move into in 4 months)
But, it doesn't hurt to be organized.

As I look around
I notice
We have accumulated a lot of
Over the last 10 years

See, the problem is that each time we've previously moved
It's been with Hub's company
So they have packed and unpacked us
Each time
Which means I never got a chance to
Go through all the
But I will this time.

What kind of
You ask?
How about a life-size Bart Simpson doll
I won at the fair one year?
That has to be the King of our CRAP

For some reason we have a collection of beds
A collection of broken appliances, mostly coffee machines
(Which Hub says "keep, I'll see if we can fix them")
A collection of TV's and VCR's
A collection of dufflebags and suitcases
Just way too much
To even mention

There is no way I am moving all this
Into my new, beautiful house in 4 months.

I guess the alternatives are:
The dump.
The infamous
CRAP...err..I mean GARAGE sale

One person's crap is another person's treasure
Isn't that what they say?

I betcha the Bart doll will be the first to go...


At 6:34 AM, Blogger Just Jan said...

I sympathize with the "crap" thing. I have moved way too much and after my last move I never accumulated much. I have just the bare essentials now and no "extras". It's really rather nice..less to mess with.

Hope your new house is ready in 4 months...that will be nice.

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

I know about CRAP too! We have too much. We moved from a much bigger house 8 yrs ago and it had a place for everything. Never has in this house. But, as Jaded pointed out yesterday, better in the garage than the house. I will be cleaning out the garage next week. I want to use my pool table and it is buried.

I remember my parents moving into their new house. They took everything. Then they got rid of most when they got to the new house and after they paid to have it all hauled there!

Better to get rid of it now....Have a garage sale. You would be amazed at what people will buy. My mother was a garage saleaholic. If she hadn't been, there would have been less CRAP to get rid of! LMAO

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

My husband would probably seriously consider the Bart Doll. That is until I give him the, "not over my dead body" eye roll.

Good luck with your "crap".

At 10:12 PM, Blogger lightfeather said...

One word! eBay for the Bart Doll! You will make a mint on that thing!

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Karen said...

Freecycle it !
There are so many people that need stuff. I have given away and received from this great group.
here is a link:


Have a yard sale and then what's left over put on freecycle.
Good luck and happy sorting to you !


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