
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

the reel deal - part 2

No, it wasn't another date night.
But there was popcorn
And big Cokes
And a movie.

But this time we were all
In the back of the van
With the hatch popped
Laying on a cozy bed of
Air mattresses and
Sleeping bags

We went to the Drive-In last night!

We hadn't been in years
Not since the original 'Jurassic Park'
Our very smart 2 year old
Had a very late nap yesterday
So we thought that would be a good opportunity
To give it a go!

She loved it
We loved it
She lasted
Without any sort of evidence
Of crankiness or anything

She actually watched
'The Dukes of Hazzard' with us.
(It's definitely a 'renter' if you were wondering
But still entertaining in spots)

So there we were
'Camping' in the back of the van
Eating crappy drive-in food
Watching a crappy drive-in movie...
Having a grand ole' time

And the fact that
'13 and under are FREE'
Told us that we'd be spending
MANY summer nights here
Over the next decade....

Those 'reel deals' can be spency
Gotta cut corners somewhere...


At 7:18 AM, Blogger Patricia said...

what a fun night!
i still remember the magic of drive-ins, even though the closest one to me is well over an hour away now. how sad that they're closing down and so many people will never know the thrill of getting into your pajamas, climbing into the car, and hauling that static-ridden speaker over the car window. you've inspired me to make the trip before summer's over!

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Oh how I miss drive ins. The started disappearing about 25 years ago around here. Not one to be found anymore...
I won't get into going to the drive in as a teenager.
But, I will say we went to the drive in often as kids. We could afford that. Back of the station wagon with pillows and a huge bag of home made popcorn. Only thing that wasn't so wonderful was we saw things like Bonnie and Clyde when I was five. Had nightmares! No shit huh? And every John Wayne movie that came out, I didn't mind that so much...
Lucky you Bonn, to have drive ins...One night leave your very smart 2 year old and start working on a sibling! Now, doesn't that sound fun? LOL

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Just Jan said...

I miss the drive-ins as well. They are early all gone. The closest one to here is an hours drive away. The last time I was in a drive-in was about 20 years ago. My how time has gone by. I can't even remember what movie we saw.

At 5:08 PM, Blogger Karen said...

OMG I love drive ins !
as a kid I remember my parents taking us to go see the NEW Disney movie
"Mary Poppins" !!!!!!
the teens years were great--smooshing kids in the trunk to sneak in and all that stuff !
great memories.


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