
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


We were blessed
With a super-friendly kid

She says hi to every kid she sees
She sits down and joins every little
Playgroup she finds
She says things like
"I like your shoes"
"I like your bike"

Normally you would think
Those were just ice-breaker comments
But with her
She really means it

When she sees certain friends
She actually runs towards them
Calling "HI so and so!!!!!"
She's so excited that she can't even stand it

Most of the time I'm very happy
That she's the way she is
All the time I am very proud
That already she's so friendly and kind

But, is it normal for a parent
To take it personally when the odd time
The friendliness is not reciprocated?

Because I do.
I bite my tongue a lot because
There are a LOT of mean kids out there, it seems.
Maybe not mean
Maybe spoiled, maybe shy, maybe just snooty

For example
Yesterday my very smart 2 year old
Went running up to a kid she knows
Saying hi!! hi!!
The response
"I can't say hi to you right now,
I'm calling on Katie, so go away"

I'm so happy my very smart 2 year old
Isn't smart enough to really understand
All that she said
And her response was
"No, I'll wait here for you"
Then THAT was met by a very whiny
"Nooooo...I'm playing with Katie
You have to go away!!!"
"I play too"
Says my very smart 2 year old
('Atta girl, pumpkin)

So I finally couldn't take it any longer
And I just piped in
"She's just saying hi to you.."
Which her response to me was
"I know, but I'm playing with Katie"
As if that response made any more sense
To ME, instead of to my daughter...lol.

I guess I have to grow a thicker skin
When it comes to my little one
Chances are she is always going to be like this
And this isn't going to be the last time
She hooks up with a meanie ;)

Oh yeah, 10 minutes later
The kid walked over to my very smart 2 year old
And her sidewalk chalk
And said "can I draw too?"
My very smart 2 year old's response??

"Sure!" with a smile..

Guess Katie didn't want to play afterall...


At 4:46 AM, Blogger Karen said...

your very smart and very sweet 2 yr old is doing just fine:)
it is hard to watch as a Mom, I know. she will find her way to deal with it as she gets older and gets hurt or mad at these kind of situations.
and of course her very smart and very sweet Mommy will be there to guide her:)

At 5:40 AM, Blogger Heidi said...

I just want to give your very smart 2 yr old the biggest hug.

Ditto to what Karen said above. :)

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Just Jan said...

I really can't seem to understand why not all parents teach their little ones to be nice. Some parents really do teach their kids to say mean things. I see and hear alot of that around here. With my grand daughter in daycare for the past 4 years, I've seen way more than I've thought could exist in youngsters. She is a tough little girl and can take alot but sometimes she cries to my daughter about some mean thing one of the other kids said to her that day. She's school age now and will get alot more of that sort of behavior with her having to go to the city school. Hopefully your very smart 2 yr old will grow up and learn that not all kids will be nice but that she will remain this outgoing friendly person and take it all in stride. It's very tough to see and hear as a Mother but they are stronger than we realize. I think you are doing a grand job with her and wouldn't worry about how you are feeling about this. It's all part of life. Some kids are just plain snotty and their parents don't correct it...that's the sad part.

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

A very friendly, smart 2 year old! Aren't they the past kind to have.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

I remember going thru the same thing. My youngest is a social butterfly and always has been. She got dissed a few times and I told her some kids were not taught very good manners and that is it okay to play with more than one friend at a time. The kids who only want to play with one at a time are the kids who want to be controlling. Hence, if she plays with the other girl and your very smart two year old, the other girl may choose your very smart two year old to play with instead of her, so in essence she is getting first dibs. Obviously flawed when she came back to play wit your very smart two year old.
Girls are especially prone to saying if you play with so and so, you can't play with me. I had to teach my daughter to say, I'm sorry then, I cannot play with you, because it would be mean to not play with somebody else, because YOU don't want me to!
It's dangerous out there is girl land! But, you held your tongue, which is a good thing. Very good for you mom!

At 7:01 PM, Blogger BonnyT said...

Thanks for the comments everyone.. I thought we were making some progress tonight when the girl knocked on the door for my pumpkin..so they played for a bit until another girl made an appearance on the street and the kid took off...LOL!

I notice that boys INVITE more boys to play...they welcome it. But girls can be particularly nasty in that regard...

What's UP with us, ladies?!?!? LOL!

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, you were also blessed with a little angel! I have a feeling my niece will grow up to be the same way. It's beautiful.


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