
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Monday, May 23, 2005


So, I'm snuggled in bed this morning, sharing a pillow with my pumpkin, watching 'Caillou'. Between you and I, I can't stand that freakin' cartoon. Just when I think the show is teaching an important lesson about something, Caillou begins his regular WHINING about something. The fact that they have a educational cartoon for toddlers where the main character is such a whiner is beyond me. The fact that this kid is 4 and still completely BALD is also beyond me...


Caillou has a baby sister. And in this particular episode, the term "baby sister" and 'baby brother' is repeated frequently. About 10 minutes into the show, my 22 month old 'baby' turns to me and says "mommy?" and I say "yes, pumpkin?"...she says "baby brother?" I got all 'verklempt' and teared up a little.

We would love to give her a baby brother or sister, but the fact that it has now become a REQUEST of HERS rather than just a hope or thought of OURS makes it all the more pressing.

She was a surprise for us. Completely. And it has been years since we actually counted days and timed 'stuff' and planned. Now it's important for me to do all that again.

The thing is, one more person will be disappointed if anything 'fails'. Up until now we've given her everything she has requested. Well, within reason.

It scares me that perhaps we won't be able to fulfill this one request. That would mean disappointing her.

Or maybe someone up there also heard this little angel's requests and will to their darndest to fullfill it.

That would be double the pleasure. A new little angel to make my existing little angel smile.

Now, all I would have to do is guarantee her a brother, not a sister...

Jeesh...a woman's work is never done, is it?


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

Never done... even when it's done. I know how much of a struggle it can be and I wish you well.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Never done is right!
Maybe it's time to show pumkin that sometimes you have to wait for things? Like Santa.
Tell her someday, maybe.
Best of luck.....


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