
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Sunday, May 22, 2005

A Change in Plans

Yes, I'm here.
We were supposed to be in Montreal for the long weekend (remember?? eating 'heart attacks on a plate?'?).
We're not.
We're home.

My man hurt his back.
He hurt it lifting a broken planter off the deck.
Although he tells his friends that the 'trapeze broke' in the bedroom.
Whatever. Men. ((rolling eyes))
You just have to look at me and know that I've probably never even been on a balance beam, let alone a freakin' trapeze.

So we stayed home.
That's ok. Lots to do around here.
Gotta get ready to put that sign in the lawn and move out of this sardine can.
Well, the house isn't one, the neighbourhood is.
Please see "The Country" for further information

It's a long weekend here.
Fireworks every night.
Poor Boomer.
He was my "first born" but he's getting up there.
10 this Christmas.
Bad hip. Bad knee. Bad eyes.
Wonderful disposition.
Loving spirit.
I have to say that I do believe his is the best dog, ever.
He's a Lab. What more can I say?

We may venture out to look for a "big girl bed" for my baby today.
Probably at IKEA.
Their beds are nice and close to the ground.
Less worrysome for me. Less hurtful for her.
She's a sprawler...like her mother.
We're skipping all the beds in between and going right for a double for her.
Seems to be the right choice.
Room for me in there, then.

So we went from fighting traffic for 5 hours each way
And eating greasy food
To relaxing at home
Doing normal 'home stuff'
And probably still eating greasy food at some point.

I think we made the right choice.


At 1:47 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Sorry about your hubby's back and that you didn't get to go on your trip!

A double is the best. I went for the cute little cottage beds for both my girls and then had to get rid of them when they got to big!

Much better to go for the double and not have to buy again later. Good for you!

One of mine has bunk beds, that can be made into a king and the other has a queen that she inherited from us. We upped to a king. I still miss my old bed!

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

Sorry to hear your plans went sour. Sounds like you made out okay. We have a black lab named Molson, that will turn 5 in June. He is our baby. He has been chasing toddlers around this weekend at my parents place. My heart breaks... I know he'd love a toddler to play with before he gets too old. Hope your weekend was a great one.... it isn't over yet!


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