
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Thursday, May 19, 2005


What is it about sand that can make a child happy for hours?

It's so amazing to watch. You can almost see their little minds under construction as they dig and pour and rake and pile it up...and yes, sometimes taste. Luckily that only happens once, maybe twice.

There is nothing more relaxing than watching a kid play in the sand, too. Its a very quiet activity, and those are few and far between with a 22 month old..lol.

Anyway, that's how I spent my morning. At the park watching my daughter play in the sand. The park is fully equipped with brand new swings and slides and toddler rock walls and monkey bars, but no. She was just happy to walk into the middle of all that, plunk down with her various pails and shovels and construct her mind.

I guess muscle construction will come a little later.

Minds first.

She's a smart girl.


At 12:15 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Happy kid=dirty kid. My girls used to love to play in the sand and dirt.

I saw a little boy at the book store the other day and he was running and touching each book on the row. Then he would do the same thing to the next row. Just running back and forth, having a ball.

Wish it was that easy for adults!

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

I agree with Nancy's comment... wish a big sandbox would take away all our troubles (until it is time to leave that is).

On the Coby note: After survivor, he had "changed" and wanted to do more with his life. So he thought he would adopt a child. Got lucky because his cousin fell pregnant (fell pregnant, like it's really that easy *sigh*) and she could not or did not want to keep the baby. He adopted it, baby girl... named her Janu (sp).


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