
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Thursday, May 12, 2005


My poor little pumpkin.
ALL day long she is the happiest girl in the world...smiling, laughing, talking, playing. We go to our different programs and she's smiling, laughing, talking, playing...even when we leave there she's fine.


Head outside to play now that spring has sprung? Still no problem...she smiles, laughs, talks, plays, runs around. Then, when its time to come BACK indoors after playing with all the kids outside? OH MY GOSH. Hissy-fit time. I've never seen her bawl her eyes out more than when its time to come back in from being outside.

It gets to a point where I just scoop her up and carry her home while she's crying her little eyes out. And she gets a little dramatic too...holding her hand out over my shoulder as if she's reaching for the friend that mean mommy is tearing her away from. "Emmmmiiiilllllyyyy' she cries through the tears.

It breaks my heart, actually.

It's tough because as of now it's just her. She's the only one and most of the time its just her and I all days long. I have her in programs with other kids but she doesn't do it there. Just OUTSIDE.

I hope she grows out of it. Although I hate leaving 'fun' places too...and if it were socially acceptable for a 36 year old woman to cry like that, I probably would, too.

Awww...stop crying, pumpkin :(


At 11:41 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

You know Bon, your sweet pumpkin needs to know that there are limits. You are setting them and in time, she will realize, that she may have to go in the house "now," but she will be able to play again tomorrow.
She may not like it, but at least she gets to scream. We don't. Well, not in mixed company! HA


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