
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Saturday, May 07, 2005

mama's day

This weekend sounds like a good time to tell this story. To this day it still amazes me.

We'd been married for 7 years already. Moved all over the country, had our ups and downs like everyone else. Deep down I always thought the root of our 'problems' was the fact that we couldn't get pregnant. Not that we thought that a baby would 'fix' everything, but a son or daughter would 'complete' us in a way that we would finally feel like a family and not just 'us'. We both felt that we were put here to be parents, and the fact that it wasn't happening was wearing on us.

Not just that, EVERYONE around us was getting pregnant. It came to a point where I didn't want to answer the phone because I KNEW it was one of our dear friends telling us they were expecting. It's a terrible thing to think, because they're your friends. But it gets really, really TOUGH hearing it over and over when you're TRYING over and over...

I guess we got to a point where we put it out of our mind. We'd never said the words, but I think we both decided that maybe it wasn't meant to be. We'd been told different things by doctors, but never seeked any infertility treatment or anything like that. I think we were both scared to hear the words from them, you know? Anyway, we moved again, got busy and I started a new job. Now, I know new jobs aren't that exciting to talk about, but I mention this one because I believe it was the turning point. I truly do.

I went to work for a Wellness Centre. Chiropractors, massage, physio...stuff like that. I was thier administrator which meant HELLO! Free treatments!! That was even better than the measly salary, trust me. I started getting regular chiropractic treatment, originally for my asthma (which helped a TON, by the way) but then I would get adjustments at least twice a week.

Within 2 months after starting there, I thought to myself "hmmm, I'm late". I've been late before...a million times. So, for fun (and because deep down I'm a sucker for punishment) I went and bought a PG test. Took it and 2 lines showed up. I remember thinking "there, see, 2 lines, I'm just late" and I was seconds from tossing it in the garbage. Then I thought "wait a second....TWO lines" I had never seen TWO lines before. We didn't believe it. We were so disbelieving that I hopped in my car and went and got another test.

2 lines again. Called the doctor. The nurse (a buddy of mine) told me to come over and they'd do THEIR test. So I did. She dips into it and says "well, there's only 1 line Bonny". Surprisingly, I wasn't upset. I kind of just shrugged, stood up, gathered my things and she then said "hang on...a second line has come up!" LOL Right there I thought "hell, this baby is going to be a procrastinator just like I am!"...

So there you have it. For weeks we couldn't believe it. Everyone around us was SO happy. Everyone kept asking me if I was doing anything different and ll I could think of was the chiro treatments. The treatments align the nerves in the spine properly so that your body can operate to its full potential, and cure itself properly, and move properly. With conception, everything has to be JUST right.

There is no medical evidence that chiropractic can act as a fertility treatment, but all I know is that before I was getting treated, it was just the two of us. Now she is and our hearts seem full.

I'm sold.


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

What a nice story. Good for you! A nice Mother's Day story. I hope you wrote that in your daughter's baby book!

I love that you immediately thought she would be a procrastinator like you! Funny.

Happy Mother's day Bonny.

Nancy Epstein

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Hey Bonny, Not to sound to stupid or anything, but what is LMAO?

Thanks for your kind words. I will be back again. I like your blog!

I know what you mean. You can see I don't get many comments.

Nancy Epstein

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

Bonny. I like Laughing my ass off. Much better than laugh out loud!
Thanks for the clarification.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Heidi said...

OMG! What a wonderful story ..I'm so happy for you. Congrats :)

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

What an inspiring story... good for you. Thank you for the good read, I will be back.

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. This is an inspiring story and we still have hope. What is life without hope.


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