
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Thursday, May 26, 2005

talk show friends

Talk shows. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em.

Not the lame ass ones like Springer or Sally or Rikki Lake..none of that garbage.
Even Tony Danza has a very, VERY weak one.

Now Oprah, I love.
She is the Queen...
Except now its like she KNOWS it
Which is kind of unappealing
But her show is like an old friend
I don't get to sit and watch it everyday,
But I know when I need to, there it is.

Now Rosie
She got into my blood very quickly.
It was like that 'old friend' feeling, but she felt more 'in reach'
In a sense.
She was like all the friends I went to highschool with.
She was like all the friends I snuck into bars with.
She was like all of my friends who I used to lock myself in my room with
And sing out loud
To the Captain & Tennille, or Donny & Marie

If I couldn't watch, I taped the show everyday.
Sometimes I watched it twice
Just to hear host-chat for a second time
I used to wish that the whole show was host-chat.
Nevermind Richard Simmons
Or Pacey from Dawson's Creek

I've seen the show 3 times in person.
Got in stand-by each and every time.
Horseshoe up my butt?
And each time was better than the last.

Now there is Ellen.
Never miss her, either.
She truly makes me pee my pants.
She is becoming a friend.
Slowly but surely
She appears to me a truly truly kind human being
You can't help but like her
You can't help but love the show

But it's no Ro show.


At 6:59 PM, Blogger lightfeather said...

I never got to watch Ro too much..always working, working, working. But on the days that I could or I was at my mom and dad's house, I always loved being close to Rosie. She is everyone's best friend. Imagine that?

Just lately I have started watching Ellen. I like her. I really like her!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Ellen is on the same time as O here. I tivo O. I will tivo Ellen during the reruns....

Ellen has great wit! Oprah has figured out how to be so damn perfect and want us all to follow. Unfortunately, it never works that way. Still, I admire her.

I still like her show, especially when Nate is on!!!


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