
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Sunday, May 29, 2005

'Lost' In Translation

The TV show 'Lost'. I'm addicted. I'm addicted to everything about it. I'm addicted to figuring it all out. But I learned today that I'm not even CLOSE to doing that.

Here is the storyline, for those that have never watched.
Plane crashes on a tropical island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. It was coming from Australia and was heading for the States.

There are survivors from this crash. Each one has it's own interesting story as to what they were up to in their lives around the time of the flight, and why they were even on the flight. Each character has a story to tell, and each story appears to be more dramatic than the one before.

The island is very mysterious. Strange things happen on this island, to the point of hurting or even killing some of the suriviors. These things always happen in the jungle, but they just keep on trekking in there every episode (don't ask me..)

They are able to fiddle with the planes radio and they pick up a transmission. It's a woman's voice, speaking french coming from another part of the island. She has been stranded on the island for 16 years and continuously speaks of The Others and the fact that they took her child.

My theory was and has always been that there were no survivors of this plane crash. I have always believed that these people did die and that they were in purgatory. All of them have to redeem themselves of something before moving on...

So, this morning I find a few messageboards on the show. I decide to dive into one to see what others were thinking.


The boards are filled with sci-fi fanatics. All with theories about nanobots (??) and mystic creatures. I felt as though I was at a Star Trek convention with a sticker on my chest that said "Hi...I'm New Here".

So, I go out on a limb and say hello. I also state that although I find all the theories intriguing and very intelligent, that the theory HAD to be simpler than that. It's TV, for goodness sake. The majority of the TV-viewing audience wants to be entertained without wondering if a certain character is a nanobot. Yeah, we like to think a little bit for ourselves, but not to the point of having an aneurysm trying to figure stuff out.

There is a reason why 'The Simpsons' have been in the Top 10 for it's entire run.

Hmmm...maybe Marg's HUGE hair is hiding a nanobot brain or something?

What happened to the days of just sitting and being entertained by the television.

Oops, I forgot. That happens every night of the week now with the takeover of reality TV. I've forgotten that actual TV 'SERIES' were originally meant to make you think a little.

Anyway, for those of you that haven't watched "Lost", DO. I guarantee you'll be hooked.

The tribe has spoken.


At 6:13 AM, Blogger Nancy said...

I think it just ended and perhaps I can get it on the reruns during the summer.

It looked like another Survivor. But, the way you described it, sounds pretty good. I will check it out.

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

I love reading your blog! I didn't get into Lost... I couldn't add another addiction to my list along with:
Amazing Race,
Everybody Loves Raymond, and
Friends re-runs....

So much TV so little time and the weather is getting nice *sigh*


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