
The thoughts and ramblings of an easy-going Canadian mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour and sometimes just a friendly face in the crowd....

Monday, April 18, 2005


I can't f'n believe it. My little sister (there are only the 2 of us) turns 30 today. 30. Age has never been a big thing to me, as I feel the same today (at 36) as I felt at 21,but for some reason today has hit me harder than when I turned 30.

My sister looks 21. And acts it, too. Sometimes she acts 12, but thats a whole other post...

I think I have a problem with today because that means that my parents are getting up there, now. Now my Mom can say "my kids are in their 30's". YIKES. My parents aren't even in their 60's yet, but at a few pictures I took at my sisters party on the weekend sure showed the white in my Dad's hair. That freaked me out a little bit.

I loved turning 30...didn't have a problem with it at all. And the fact that 40 is just a few short years away doesn't bother me either, except for the fact that my daughter will have an "old mom" when I never had an 'old mom'. That freaks me a bit.

Nah. They're just numbers.


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